Wednesday, December 8, 2010

New Work for Preemie

My husband's business partner just had a new granddaughter born three months early. I wanted to give the baby something cheerful. I think these colors are bright and just perfect for the little girl. I took three pictures when I was working on this. The blanket is not finished in any of these pictures. But you can see how it will look.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


My daughter asked me to make a blanket for a friend. The colors turned out very pretty.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Started on a new project. My daughter has a friend that is having a baby, her colors are white, turquoise, and pink. I thought this would look really good in a zig-zag pattern. I have never tried one of these before and thought I would try it. I took some pictures with my phone but they did not turn out very good. I will have to post some later. For some reason I can't seem to add pictures...(insert heavy sigh here) I was going to take some pictures with my digital but I keep forgetting batteries...(another sigh)...maybe later

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I am on vacation this week. And to be honest I haven't done much. I worked on my mothers computer, that may be the death of me. Ugh! I had all these plans on what I was going to do and so far haven't done any of them. Don't you just love vacations? I plan to spend the rest of my time the same way.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Took the family dog in to see the vet. Poor thing he was scared to death. Should be they are going to give him a personality change (snip snip, no pups for you). Last week he decided that a bee could be biten. Found out that they bite back. I don't know if you can see his swollen face in this picture or not. Bud is a funny guy, he like to bite water. Thinks he is really getting something. We got Bud from the pound and he almost did not make it home. On the way home from the pound he got sick and threw up! IN MY CAR! YUCK! I freaked because he threw up worms. Uhhhhhh talk about nasty. Bud is part blue heeler and that means he likes to herd things. He is always trying it with me, I keep telling him that I do not MOOOO, I might be the same size but I am not one! ;)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Went to see my daughter last weekend and took this picture. I had to take it wth my phone. Left my camera at home. (insert heavy sigh here) This is just a picuture of the side of a hill. I really wanted to take a picture of the indian metal sculpture but I left my camera at home. My camera phone would not take it. I also took a picture of a field of sunflowers. But that did not turn out as well as I like.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Grandkids spent the night and we worked on these. I had almost forgotten how to do these. We had lots of fun. It was a nice project to get them interested in crafts.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I seen this yesterday and just had to take a picture. On the windshield it says "It's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand. I think they are right. Got to admit that it was different.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Flag Afghan

I helped my son move this week. About three years ago I thought I would try and make him an American Flag afghan. This is the results. My children reminded me of what I did wrong. If they only knew the trouble I had. Kids never let you foget..............(insert heavy sigh here) :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

I finally finished my King size afghan. I sooooooooooooooooo admired the colors that I seen on Attic 24's space that I decided to do one of my own. I finished around three weeks ago but have not gotten around to posting them until now. Go to Attic 24 and check it out. The lady that has the site is Lucy and I just fell in love with her afghan. Although her's was a ripple. I decided at the last minute to make mine using a shell stitch. Turned out rather well.

One of my friends from work daughter is having a baby next month. I decided to make my friend (the grandmother) a blanket to keep at her house. She picked the colors out. The are the baby pink and green. Sooooooooooo very pretty. I loved these colors. I made this using a mile-a-minute pattern except instead of rounding the edges I squared them off. I think it turned out very well.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Flower Afghan

Flower Afghan
Originally uploaded by Adams Acres
While searching for new patterns, I came across this afghan on Adams Acres. It is really beautiful.